Mage_Paypal_Model_Standard Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Mage_Paypal_Model_Standard:

Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract Varien_Object

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 canUseForCurrency ($currencyCode)
 getSession ()
 getCheckout ()
 getQuote ()
 canUseInternal ()
 canUseForMultishipping ()
 createFormBlock ($name)
 validate ()
 onOrderValidate (Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment $payment)
 onInvoiceCreate (Mage_Sales_Model_Invoice_Payment $payment)
 canCapture ()
 getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl ()
 getStandardCheckoutFormFields ()
 getPaypalUrl ()
 getDebug ()
 ipnPostSubmit ()
 isInitializeNeeded ()
 initialize ($paymentAction, $stateObject)

Public Attributes


Protected Attributes

 $_code = 'paypal_standard'
 $_formBlockType = 'paypal/standard_form'
 $_allowCurrencyCode = array('AUD', 'CAD', 'CZK', 'DKK', 'EUR', 'HKD', 'HUF', 'ILS', 'JPY', 'MXN', 'NOK', 'NZD', 'PLN', 'GBP', 'SGD', 'SEK', 'CHF', 'USD')
 $_debugReplacePrivateDataKeys = array('business')

Detailed Description

PayPal Standard Checkout Module

Magento Core Team <>

Definition at line 33 of file Standard.php.

Member Function Documentation

canCapture (  ) 

Check capture availability


Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 145 of file Standard.php.

00146     {
00147         return true;
00148     }

canUseForCurrency ( currencyCode  ) 

Check method for processing with base currency

string $currencyCode

Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 49 of file Standard.php.

00050     {
00051         if (!in_array($currencyCode, $this->_allowCurrencyCode)) {
00052             return false;
00053         }
00054         return true;
00055     }

canUseForMultishipping (  ) 

Using for multiple shipping address


Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 109 of file Standard.php.

00110     {
00111         return false;
00112     }

canUseInternal (  ) 

Using internal pages for input payment data


Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 99 of file Standard.php.

00100     {
00101         return false;
00102     }

createFormBlock ( name  ) 

Definition at line 114 of file Standard.php.

00115     {
00116         $block = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('paypal/standard_form', $name)
00117             ->setMethod('paypal_standard')
00118             ->setPayment($this->getPayment())
00119             ->setTemplate('paypal/standard/form.phtml');
00121         return $block;
00122     }

getCheckout (  ) 

Get checkout session namespace


Definition at line 79 of file Standard.php.

00080     {
00081         return Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');
00082     }

getDebug (  ) 

Definition at line 321 of file Standard.php.

00322     {
00323         return Mage::getStoreConfig('paypal/wps/debug_flag');
00324     }

getOrderPlaceRedirectUrl (  ) 

Definition at line 150 of file Standard.php.

00151     {
00152           return Mage::getUrl('paypal/standard/redirect', array('_secure' => true));
00153     }

getPaypalUrl (  ) 

Definition at line 311 of file Standard.php.

00312     {
00313          if (Mage::getStoreConfig('paypal/wps/sandbox_flag')==1) {
00314              $url='';
00315          } else {
00316              $url='';
00317          }
00318          return $url;
00319     }

getQuote (  ) 

Get current quote


Definition at line 89 of file Standard.php.

00090     {
00091         return $this->getCheckout()->getQuote();
00092     }

getSession (  ) 

Get paypal session namespace


Definition at line 69 of file Standard.php.

00070     {
00071         return Mage::getSingleton('paypal/session');
00072     }

getStandardCheckoutFormFields (  ) 

Definition at line 155 of file Standard.php.

00156     {
00157         if ($this->getQuote()->getIsVirtual()) {
00158             $a = $this->getQuote()->getBillingAddress();
00159             $b = $this->getQuote()->getShippingAddress();
00160         } else {
00161             $a = $this->getQuote()->getShippingAddress();
00162             $b = $this->getQuote()->getBillingAddress();
00163         }
00164         //getQuoteCurrencyCode
00165         $currency_code = $this->getQuote()->getBaseCurrencyCode();
00166         /*
00167         //we validate currency before sending paypal so following code is obsolete
00169         if (!in_array($currency_code,$this->_allowCurrencyCode)) {
00170             //if currency code is not allowed currency code, use USD as default
00171             $storeCurrency = Mage::getSingleton('directory/currency')
00172                 ->load($this->getQuote()->getStoreCurrencyCode());
00173             $amount = $storeCurrency->convert($amount, 'USD');
00174             $currency_code='USD';
00175         }
00176         */
00178         $sArr = array(
00179             'business'          => Mage::getStoreConfig('paypal/wps/business_account'),
00180             'return'            => Mage::getUrl('paypal/standard/success',array('_secure' => true)),
00181             'cancel_return'     => Mage::getUrl('paypal/standard/cancel',array('_secure' => false)),
00182             'notify_url'        => Mage::getUrl('paypal/standard/ipn'),
00183             'invoice'           => $this->getCheckout()->getLastRealOrderId(),
00184             'currency_code'     => $currency_code,
00185             'address_override'  => 1,
00186             'first_name'        => $a->getFirstname(),
00187             'last_name'         => $a->getLastname(),
00188             'address1'          => $a->getStreet(1),
00189             'address2'          => $a->getStreet(2),
00190             'city'              => $a->getCity(),
00191             'state'             => $a->getRegionCode(),
00192             'country'           => $a->getCountry(),
00193             'zip'               => $a->getPostcode(),
00194         );
00196         $logoUrl = Mage::getStoreConfig('paypal/wps/logo_url');
00197         if($logoUrl){
00198              $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00199                   'cpp_header_image' => $logoUrl
00200              ));
00201         }
00203         if($this->getConfigData('payment_action')==self::PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTH){
00204              $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00205                   'paymentaction' => 'authorization'
00206              ));
00207         }
00209         $transaciton_type = $this->getConfigData('transaction_type');
00210         /*
00211         O=aggregate cart amount to paypal
00212         I=individual items to paypal
00213         */
00214         if ($transaciton_type=='O') {
00215             $businessName = Mage::getStoreConfig('paypal/wps/business_name');
00216             $storeName = Mage::getStoreConfig('store/system/name');
00217             $amount = ($a->getBaseSubtotal()+$b->getBaseSubtotal())-($a->getBaseDiscountAmount()+$b->getBaseDiscountAmount());
00218             $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00219                     'cmd'           => '_ext-enter',
00220                     'redirect_cmd'  => '_xclick',
00221                     'item_name'     => $businessName ? $businessName : $storeName,
00222                     'amount'        => sprintf('%.2f', $amount),
00223                 ));
00224             $_shippingTax = $this->getQuote()->getShippingAddress()->getBaseTaxAmount();
00225             $_billingTax = $this->getQuote()->getBillingAddress()->getBaseTaxAmount();
00226             $tax = sprintf('%.2f', $_shippingTax + $_billingTax);
00227             if ($tax>0) {
00228                   $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00229                         'tax' => $tax
00230                   ));
00231             }
00233         } else {
00234             $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00235                 'cmd'       => '_cart',
00236                 'upload'       => '1',
00237             ));
00238             $items = $this->getQuote()->getAllItems();
00239             if ($items) {
00240                 $i = 1;
00241                 foreach($items as $item){
00242                     if ($item->getParentItem()) {
00243                         continue;
00244                     }
00245                     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($item->getData()); echo"</pre>";
00246                     $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00247                         'item_name_'.$i      => $item->getName(),
00248                         'item_number_'.$i      => $item->getSku(),
00249                         'quantity_'.$i      => $item->getQty(),
00250                         'amount_'.$i      => sprintf('%.2f', ($item->getBaseCalculationPrice() - $item->getBaseDiscountAmount())),
00251                     ));
00252                     if($item->getBaseTaxAmount()>0){
00253                         $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00254                         'tax_'.$i      => sprintf('%.2f',$item->getBaseTaxAmount()/$item->getQty()),
00255                         ));
00256                     }
00257                     $i++;
00258                 }
00259            }
00260         }
00262         $totalArr = $a->getTotals();
00263         $shipping = sprintf('%.2f', $this->getQuote()->getShippingAddress()->getBaseShippingAmount());
00264         if ($shipping>0 && !$this->getQuote()->getIsVirtual()) {
00265           if ($transaciton_type=='O') {
00266               $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00267                     'shipping' => $shipping
00268               ));
00269           } else {
00270               $shippingTax = $this->getQuote()->getShippingAddress()->getBaseShippingTaxAmount();
00271               $sArr = array_merge($sArr, array(
00272                     'item_name_'.$i   => $totalArr['shipping']->getTitle(),
00273                     'quantity_'.$i    => 1,
00274                     'amount_'.$i      => sprintf('%.2f',$shipping),
00275                     'tax_'.$i         => sprintf('%.2f',$shippingTax),
00276               ));
00277               $i++;
00278           }
00279         }
00281         $sReq = '';
00282         $sReqDebug = '';
00283         $rArr = array();
00286         foreach ($sArr as $k=>$v) {
00287             /*
00288             replacing & char with and. otherwise it will break the post
00289             */
00290             $value =  str_replace("&","and",$v);
00291             $rArr[$k] =  $value;
00292             $sReq .= '&'.$k.'='.$value;
00293             $sReqDebug .= '&'.$k.'=';
00294             if (in_array($k, $this->_debugReplacePrivateDataKeys)) {
00295                 $sReqDebug .= '***';
00296             } else  {
00297                 $sReqDebug .= $value;
00298             }
00299         }
00301         if ($this->getDebug() && $sReq) {
00302             $sReq = substr($sReq, 1);
00303             $debug = Mage::getModel('paypal/api_debug')
00304                     ->setApiEndpoint($this->getPaypalUrl())
00305                     ->setRequestBody($sReq)
00306                     ->save();
00307         }
00308         return $rArr;
00309     }

initialize ( paymentAction,

Method that will be executed instead of authorize or capture if flag isInitilizeNeeded set to true

string $paymentAction

Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 487 of file Standard.php.

00488     {
00489         $state = Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PENDING_PAYMENT;
00490         $stateObject->setState($state);
00491         $stateObject->setStatus(Mage::getSingleton('sales/order_config')->getStateDefaultStatus($state));
00492         $stateObject->setIsNotified(false);
00493     }

ipnPostSubmit (  ) 

Definition at line 327 of file Standard.php.

00328     {
00329         $sReq = '';
00330         $sReqDebug = '';
00331         foreach($this->getIpnFormData() as $k=>$v) {
00332             $sReq .= '&'.$k.'='.urlencode(stripslashes($v));
00333             $sReqDebug .= '&'.$k.'=';
00335         }
00336         //append ipn commdn
00337         $sReq .= "&cmd=_notify-validate";
00338         $sReq = substr($sReq, 1);
00340         if ($this->getDebug()) {
00341             $debug = Mage::getModel('paypal/api_debug')
00342                     ->setApiEndpoint($this->getPaypalUrl())
00343                     ->setRequestBody($sReq)
00344                     ->save();
00345         }
00346         $http = new Varien_Http_Adapter_Curl();
00347         $http->write(Zend_Http_Client::POST,$this->getPaypalUrl(), '1.1', array(), $sReq);
00348         $response = $http->read();
00349         $response = preg_split('/^\r?$/m', $response, 2);
00350         $response = trim($response[1]);
00351         if ($this->getDebug()) {
00352             $debug->setResponseBody($response)->save();
00353         }
00355          //when verified need to convert order into invoice
00356         $id = $this->getIpnFormData('invoice');
00357         $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order');
00358         $order->loadByIncrementId($id);
00360         if ($response=='VERIFIED') {
00361             if (!$order->getId()) {
00362                 /*
00363                 * need to have logic when there is no order with the order id from paypal
00364                 */
00366             } else {
00368                 if ($this->getIpnFormData('mc_gross')!=$order->getBaseGrandTotal()) {
00369                     //when grand total does not equal, need to have some logic to take care
00370                     $order->addStatusToHistory(
00371                         $order->getStatus(),//continue setting current order status
00372                         Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Order total amount does not match paypal gross total amount')
00373                     );
00374                     $order->save();
00375                 } else {
00376                     /*
00377                     //quote id
00378                     $quote_id = $order->getQuoteId();
00379                     //the customer close the browser or going back after submitting payment
00380                     //so the quote is still in session and need to clear the session
00381                     //and send email
00382                     if ($this->getQuote() && $this->getQuote()->getId()==$quote_id) {
00383                         $this->getCheckout()->clear();
00384                         $order->sendNewOrderEmail();
00385                     }
00386                     */
00388                     // get from config order status to be set
00389                     $newOrderStatus = $this->getConfigData('order_status', $order->getStoreId());
00390                     if (empty($newOrderStatus)) {
00391                         $newOrderStatus = $order->getStatus();
00392                     }
00394                     /*
00395                     if payer_status=verified ==> transaction in sale mode
00396                     if transactin in sale mode, we need to create an invoice
00397                     otherwise transaction in authorization mode
00398                     */
00399                     if ($this->getIpnFormData('payment_status') == 'Completed') {
00400                        if (!$order->canInvoice()) {
00401                            //when order cannot create invoice, need to have some logic to take care
00402                            $order->addStatusToHistory(
00403                                 $order->getStatus(), // keep order status/state
00404                                 Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Error in creating an invoice', true),
00405                                 $notified = true
00406                            );
00408                        } else {
00409                            //need to save transaction id
00410                            $order->getPayment()->setTransactionId($this->getIpnFormData('txn_id'));
00411                            //need to convert from order into invoice
00412                            $invoice = $order->prepareInvoice();
00413                            $invoice->register()->capture();
00414                            Mage::getModel('core/resource_transaction')
00415                                ->addObject($invoice)
00416                                ->addObject($invoice->getOrder())
00417                                ->save();
00418                            $order->setState(
00419                                Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PROCESSING, $newOrderStatus,
00420                                Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Invoice #%s created', $invoice->getIncrementId()),
00421                                $notified = true
00422                            );
00423                        }
00424                     } else {
00425                         $order->setState(
00426                             Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PROCESSING, $newOrderStatus,
00427                             Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Received IPN verification'),
00428                             $notified = true
00429                         );
00430                     }
00432                     $ipnCustomerNotified = true;
00433                     if (!$order->getPaypalIpnCustomerNotified()) {
00434                         $ipnCustomerNotified = false;
00435                         $order->setPaypalIpnCustomerNotified(1);
00436                     }
00438                     $order->save();
00440                     if (!$ipnCustomerNotified) {
00441                         $order->sendNewOrderEmail();
00442                     }
00444                 }//else amount the same and there is order obj
00445                 //there are status added to order
00446             }
00447         }else{
00448             /*
00449             Canceled_Reversal
00450             Completed
00451             Denied
00452             Expired
00453             Failed
00454             Pending
00455             Processed
00456             Refunded
00457             Reversed
00458             Voided
00459             */
00460             $payment_status= $this->getIpnFormData('payment_status');
00461             $comment = $payment_status;
00462             if ($payment_status == 'Pending') {
00463                 $comment .= ' - ' . $this->getIpnFormData('pending_reason');
00464             } elseif ( ($payment_status == 'Reversed') || ($payment_status == 'Refunded') ) {
00465                 $comment .= ' - ' . $this->getIpnFormData('reason_code');
00466             }
00467             //response error
00468             if (!$order->getId()) {
00469                 /*
00470                 * need to have logic when there is no order with the order id from paypal
00471                 */
00472             } else {
00473                 $order->addStatusToHistory(
00474                     $order->getStatus(),//continue setting current order status
00475                     Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Paypal IPN Invalid %s.', $comment)
00476                 );
00477                 $order->save();
00478             }
00479         }
00480     }

isInitializeNeeded (  ) 

flag if we need to run payment initialize while order place


Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 482 of file Standard.php.

00483     {
00484         return true;
00485     }

onInvoiceCreate ( Mage_Sales_Model_Invoice_Payment $  payment  ) 

Definition at line 140 of file Standard.php.

00141     {
00143     }

onOrderValidate ( Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment payment  ) 

Definition at line 135 of file Standard.php.

00136     {
00137        return $this;
00138     }

validate (  ) 

Validate payment method information object

Varien_Object $info

to validate paymene method is allowed for billing country or not

Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 125 of file Standard.php.

00126     {
00127         parent::validate();
00128         $currency_code = $this->getQuote()->getBaseCurrencyCode();
00129         if (!in_array($currency_code,$this->_allowCurrencyCode)) {
00130             Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Selected currency code ('.$currency_code.') is not compatible with PayPal'));
00131         }
00132         return $this;
00133     }

Member Data Documentation

$_allowCurrencyCode = array('AUD', 'CAD', 'CZK', 'DKK', 'EUR', 'HKD', 'HUF', 'ILS', 'JPY', 'MXN', 'NOK', 'NZD', 'PLN', 'GBP', 'SGD', 'SEK', 'CHF', 'USD') [protected]

Definition at line 41 of file Standard.php.

$_code = 'paypal_standard' [protected]

Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 39 of file Standard.php.

$_debugReplacePrivateDataKeys = array('business') [protected]

Definition at line 62 of file Standard.php.

$_formBlockType = 'paypal/standard_form' [protected]

Reimplemented from Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract.

Definition at line 40 of file Standard.php.


Definition at line 36 of file Standard.php.


Definition at line 37 of file Standard.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Jul 4 17:24:33 2009 for Magento by  doxygen 1.5.8