Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Standard Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Standard:

Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Abstract Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Admin

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 collectRoutes ($configArea, $useRouterName)
 fetchDefault ()
 match (Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request)
 addModule ($frontName, $moduleName, $routeName)
 getModuleByFrontName ($frontName)
 getModuleByName ($moduleName, $modules)
 getFrontNameByRoute ($routeName)
 getRouteByFrontName ($frontName)
 getControllerFileName ($realModule, $controller)
 validateControllerFileName ($fileName)
 getControllerClassName ($realModule, $controller)
 rewrite (array $p)

Protected Member Functions

 _beforeModuleMatch ()
 _afterModuleMatch ()
 _noRouteShouldBeApplied ()
 _validateControllerClassName ($realModule, $controller)
 _inludeControllerClass ($controllerFileName, $controllerClassName)
 _checkShouldBeSecure ($request, $path='')
 _getCurrentSecureUrl ($request)
 _shouldBeSecure ($path)

Protected Attributes

 $_modules = array()
 $_routes = array()
 $_dispatchData = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 27 of file Standard.php.

Member Function Documentation

_afterModuleMatch (  )  [protected]

dummy call to pass through checking


Reimplemented in Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Admin.

Definition at line 100 of file Standard.php.

00101     {
00102         return true;
00103     }

_beforeModuleMatch (  )  [protected]

checking if this admin if yes then we don't use this router


Reimplemented in Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Admin.

Definition at line 87 of file Standard.php.

00088     {
00089         if (Mage::app()->getStore()->isAdmin()) {
00090             return false;
00091         }
00092         return true;
00093     }

_checkShouldBeSecure ( request,
path = '' 
) [protected]

Definition at line 399 of file Standard.php.

00400     {
00401         if (!Mage::isInstalled() || $request->getPost()) {
00402             return;
00403         }
00405         if ($this->_shouldBeSecure($path) && !Mage::app()->getStore()->isCurrentlySecure()) {
00406             $url = $this->_getCurrentSecureUrl($request);
00408             Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse()
00409                 ->setRedirect($url)
00410                 ->sendResponse();
00411             exit;
00412         }
00413     }

_getCurrentSecureUrl ( request  )  [protected]

Reimplemented in Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Admin.

Definition at line 415 of file Standard.php.

00416     {
00417         return Mage::getBaseUrl('link', true).ltrim($request->getPathInfo(), '/');
00418     }

_inludeControllerClass ( controllerFileName,
) [protected]

Including controller class if checking of existense class before include

string $controllerFileName
string $controllerClassName

Definition at line 297 of file Standard.php.

00298     {
00299         if (!class_exists($controllerClassName, false)) {
00300             if (!file_exists($controllerFileName)) {
00301                 return false;
00302             }
00303             include $controllerFileName;
00305             if (!class_exists($controllerClassName, false)) {
00306                 throw Mage::exception('Mage_Core', Mage::helper('core')->__('Controller file was loaded but class does not exist'));
00307             }
00308         }
00309         return true;
00310     }

_noRouteShouldBeApplied (  )  [protected]

Allow to control if we need to enable norout functionality in current router


Reimplemented in Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Admin.

Definition at line 258 of file Standard.php.

00259     {
00260         return false;
00261     }

_shouldBeSecure ( path  )  [protected]

Reimplemented in Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Admin.

Definition at line 420 of file Standard.php.

00421     {
00422         return substr(Mage::getStoreConfig('web/unsecure/base_url'),0,5)==='https'
00423             || Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('web/secure/use_in_frontend')
00424             && substr(Mage::getStoreConfig('web/secure/base_url'),0,5)=='https'
00425             && Mage::getConfig()->shouldUrlBeSecure($path);
00426     }

_validateControllerClassName ( realModule,
) [protected]

Generating and validating class file name, class and if evrything ok do include if needed and return of class name


Definition at line 269 of file Standard.php.

00270     {
00271         $controllerFileName = $this->getControllerFileName($realModule, $controller);
00272         if (!$this->validateControllerFileName($controllerFileName)) {
00273             return false;
00274         }
00276         $controllerClassName = $this->getControllerClassName($realModule, $controller);
00277         if (!$controllerClassName) {
00278             return false;
00279         }
00281         // include controller file if needed
00282         if (!$this->_inludeControllerClass($controllerFileName, $controllerClassName)) {
00283             return false;
00284         }
00286         return $controllerClassName;
00287     }

addModule ( frontName,

Definition at line 312 of file Standard.php.

00313     {
00314         $this->_modules[$frontName] = $moduleName;
00315         $this->_routes[$routeName] = $frontName;
00316         return $this;
00317     }

collectRoutes ( configArea,

Definition at line 33 of file Standard.php.

00034     {
00035         $routers = array();
00036         $routersConfigNode = Mage::getConfig()->getNode($configArea.'/routers');
00037         if($routersConfigNode) {
00038             $routers = $routersConfigNode->children();
00039         }
00040         foreach ($routers as $routerName=>$routerConfig) {
00041             $use = (string)$routerConfig->use;
00042             if ($use == $useRouterName) {
00043                 $modules = array((string)$routerConfig->args->module);
00044                 if ($routerConfig->args->modules) {
00045                     foreach ($routerConfig->args->modules->children() as $customModule) {
00046                         if ($customModule) {
00047                             if ($before = $customModule->getAttribute('before')) {
00048                                 $position = array_search($before, $modules);
00049                                 if ($position === false) {
00050                                     $position = 0;
00051                                 }
00052                                 array_splice($modules, $position, 0, (string)$customModule);
00053                             } elseif ($after = $customModule->getAttribute('after')) {
00054                                 $position = array_search($after, $modules);
00055                                 if ($position === false) {
00056                                     $position = count($modules);
00057                                 }
00058                                 array_splice($modules, $position+1, 0, (string)$customModule);
00059                             } else {
00060                                 $modules[] = (string)$customModule;
00061                             }
00062                         }
00063                     }
00064                 }
00066                 $frontName = (string)$routerConfig->args->frontName;
00067                 $this->addModule($frontName, $modules, $routerName);
00068             }
00069         }
00070     }

fetchDefault (  ) 

Reimplemented in Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Admin.

Definition at line 72 of file Standard.php.

00073     {
00074         $d = explode('/', Mage::getStoreConfig('web/default/front'));
00075         $this->getFront()->setDefault(array(
00076             'module'     => !empty($d[0]) ? $d[0] : 'core',
00077             'controller' => !empty($d[1]) ? $d[1] : 'index',
00078             'action'     => !empty($d[2]) ? $d[2] : 'index'
00079         ));
00080     }

getControllerClassName ( realModule,

Definition at line 371 of file Standard.php.

00372     {
00373         $class = $realModule.'_'.uc_words($controller).'Controller';
00374         return $class;
00375     }

getControllerFileName ( realModule,

Definition at line 351 of file Standard.php.

00352     {
00353         $parts = explode('_', $realModule);
00354         $realModule = implode('_', array_splice($parts, 0, 2));
00355         $file = Mage::getModuleDir('controllers', $realModule);
00356         if (count($parts)) {
00357             $file .= DS . implode(DS, $parts);
00358         }
00359         $file .= DS.uc_words($controller, DS).'Controller.php';
00360         return $file;
00361     }

getFrontNameByRoute ( routeName  ) 

Reimplemented from Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Abstract.

Definition at line 338 of file Standard.php.

00339     {
00340         if (isset($this->_routes[$routeName])) {
00341             return $this->_routes[$routeName];
00342         }
00343         return false;
00344     }

getModuleByFrontName ( frontName  ) 

Definition at line 319 of file Standard.php.

00320     {
00321         if (isset($this->_modules[$frontName])) {
00322             return $this->_modules[$frontName];
00323         }
00324         return false;
00325     }

getModuleByName ( moduleName,

Definition at line 327 of file Standard.php.

00328     {
00329         foreach ($modules as $module) {
00330             if ($moduleName === $module || (is_array($module)
00331                     && $this->getModuleByName($moduleName, $module))) {
00332                 return true;
00333             }
00334         }
00335         return false;
00336     }

getRouteByFrontName ( frontName  ) 

Reimplemented from Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Abstract.

Definition at line 346 of file Standard.php.

00347     {
00348         return array_search($frontName, $this->_routes);
00349     }

match ( Zend_Controller_Request_Http $  request  ) 

Searching router args by module name from route using it as key

If we did not found anything we searching exact this module name in array values

Going through modules to find appropriate controller

if we did not found any siutibul

Reimplemented from Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Router_Abstract.

Definition at line 105 of file Standard.php.

00106     {
00107         //checkings before even try to findout that current module
00108         //should use this router
00109         if (!$this->_beforeModuleMatch()) {
00110             return false;
00111         }
00113         $this->fetchDefault();
00115         $front = $this->getFront();
00117         $p = explode('/', trim($request->getPathInfo(), '/'));
00119         // get module name
00120         if ($request->getModuleName()) {
00121             $module = $request->getModuleName();
00122         } else {
00123             if(!empty($p[0])) {
00124                 $module = $p[0];
00125             } else {
00126                 $module = $this->getFront()->getDefault('module');
00127                 $request->setAlias(Mage_Core_Model_Url_Rewrite::REWRITE_REQUEST_PATH_ALIAS, '');
00128             }
00129         }
00130         if (!$module) {
00131             if (Mage::app()->getStore()->isAdmin()) {
00132                 $module = 'admin';
00133             } else {
00134                 return false;
00135             }
00136         }
00138         /**
00139          * Searching router args by module name from route using it as key
00140          */
00141         $modules = $this->getModuleByFrontName($module);
00143         /**
00144          * If we did not found anything  we searching exact this module
00145          * name in array values
00146          */
00147         if ($modules === false) {
00148             if ($moduleFrontName = $this->getModuleByName($module, $this->_modules)) {
00149                 $modules = array($module);
00150                 $module = $moduleFrontName;
00151             } else {
00152                 return false;
00153             }
00154         }
00156         //checkings after we foundout that this router should be used for current module
00157         if (!$this->_afterModuleMatch()) {
00158             return false;
00159         }
00161         /**
00162          * Going through modules to find appropriate controller
00163          */
00164         $found = false;
00165         foreach ($modules as $realModule) {
00166             $request->setRouteName($this->getRouteByFrontName($module));
00168             // get controller name
00169             if ($request->getControllerName()) {
00170                 $controller = $request->getControllerName();
00171             } else {
00172                 if (!empty($p[1])) {
00173                     $controller = $p[1];
00174                 } else {
00175                     $controller = $front->getDefault('controller');
00176                     $request->setAlias(
00177                         Mage_Core_Model_Url_Rewrite::REWRITE_REQUEST_PATH_ALIAS,
00178                         ltrim($request->getOriginalPathInfo(), '/')
00179                     );
00180                 }
00181             }
00183             // get action name
00184             if (empty($action)) {
00185                 if ($request->getActionName()) {
00186                     $action = $request->getActionName();
00187                 } else {
00188                     $action = !empty($p[2]) ? $p[2] : $front->getDefault('action');
00189                 }
00190             }
00192             //checking if this place should be secure
00193             $this->_checkShouldBeSecure($request, '/'.$module.'/'.$controller.'/'.$action);
00195             $controllerClassName = $this->_validateControllerClassName($realModule, $controller);
00196             if (!$controllerClassName) {
00197                 continue;
00198             }
00200             // instantiate controller class
00201             $controllerInstance = new $controllerClassName($request, $front->getResponse());
00203             if (!$controllerInstance->hasAction($action)) {
00204                 continue;
00205             }
00207             $found = true;
00208             break;
00209         }
00211         /**
00212          * if we did not found any siutibul
00213          */
00214         if (!$found) {
00215             if ($this->_noRouteShouldBeApplied()) {
00216                 $controller = 'index';
00217                 $action = 'noroute';
00219                 $controllerClassName = $this->_validateControllerClassName($realModule, $controller);
00220                 if (!$controllerClassName) {
00221                     return false;
00222                 }
00224                 // instantiate controller class
00225                 $controllerInstance = new $controllerClassName($request, $front->getResponse());
00227                 if (!$controllerInstance->hasAction($action)) {
00228                     return false;
00229                 }
00230             } else {
00231                 return false;
00232             }
00233         }
00235         // set values only after all the checks are done
00236         $request->setModuleName($module);
00237         $request->setControllerName($controller);
00238         $request->setActionName($action);
00239         $request->setControllerModule($realModule);
00241         // set parameters from pathinfo
00242         for ($i=3, $l=sizeof($p); $i<$l; $i+=2) {
00243             $request->setParam($p[$i], isset($p[$i+1]) ? $p[$i+1] : '');
00244         }
00246         // dispatch action
00247         $request->setDispatched(true);
00248         $controllerInstance->dispatch($action);
00250         return true;
00251     }

rewrite ( array p  ) 

Definition at line 377 of file Standard.php.

00378     {
00379         $rewrite = Mage::getConfig()->getNode('global/rewrite');
00380         if ($module = $rewrite->{$p[0]}) {
00381             if (!$module->children()) {
00382                 $p[0] = trim((string)$module);
00383             }
00384         }
00385         if (isset($p[1]) && ($controller = $rewrite->{$p[0]}->{$p[1]})) {
00386             if (!$controller->children()) {
00387                 $p[1] = trim((string)$controller);
00388             }
00389         }
00390         if (isset($p[2]) && ($action = $rewrite->{$p[0]}->{$p[1]}->{$p[2]})) {
00391             if (!$action->children()) {
00392                 $p[2] = trim((string)$action);
00393             }
00394         }
00395 #echo "<pre>".print_r($p,1)."</pre>";
00396         return $p;
00397     }

validateControllerFileName ( fileName  ) 

Definition at line 363 of file Standard.php.

00364     {
00365         if ($fileName && is_readable($fileName) && false===strpos($fileName, '//')) {
00366             return true;
00367         }
00368         return false;
00369     }

Member Data Documentation

$_dispatchData = array() [protected]

Definition at line 31 of file Standard.php.

$_modules = array() [protected]

Definition at line 29 of file Standard.php.

$_routes = array() [protected]

Definition at line 30 of file Standard.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Jul 4 17:23:55 2009 for Magento by  doxygen 1.5.8