Mage_Log_Model_Mysql4_Visitor_Collection Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Mage_Log_Model_Mysql4_Visitor_Collection:

Varien_Data_Collection_Db Varien_Data_Collection

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 useOnlineFilter ($minutes=null)
 showCustomersOnly ()
 getAggregatedData ($period=720, $type_code=null, $customFrom=null, $customTo=null)
 addFieldToFilter ($fieldName, $condition=null)
 load ($printQuery=false, $logQuery=false)
 getIsOnlineFilterUsed ()
 addVisitorStoreFilter ($storeIds)

Protected Member Functions

 _getGroupByDateFormat ($type)
 _getRangeByType ($type_code)
 _getFieldMap ($fieldName)

Protected Attributes

 $_isOnlineFilterUsed = false

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file Collection.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

__construct (  ) 


Reimplemented from Varien_Data_Collection.

Definition at line 107 of file Collection.php.

00108     {
00109         $resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
00110         parent::__construct($resource->getConnection('log_read'));
00112         $this->_visitorTable = $resource->getTableName('log/visitor');
00113         $this->_visitorInfoTable = $resource->getTableName('log/visitor_info');
00114         $this->_urlTable = $resource->getTableName('log/url_table');
00115         $this->_urlInfoTable = $resource->getTableName('log/url_info_table');
00116         $this->_customerTable = $resource->getTableName('log/customer');
00117         $this->_summaryTable = $resource->getTableName('log/summary_table');
00118         $this->_summaryTypeTable = $resource->getTableName('log/summary_type_table');
00119         $this->_quoteTable = $resource->getTableName('log/quote_table');
00121         $this->setItemObjectClass(Mage::getConfig()->getModelClassName('log/visitor'));
00122     }

Member Function Documentation

_getFieldMap ( fieldName  )  [protected]

Definition at line 285 of file Collection.php.

00286     {
00287         if(isset($this->_fieldMap[$fieldName])) {
00288             return $this->_fieldMap[$fieldName];
00289         } else {
00290             return 'visitor_table.' . $fieldName;
00291         }
00292     }

_getGroupByDateFormat ( type  )  [protected]

Definition at line 231 of file Collection.php.

00232     {
00233         switch ($type) {
00234             case 'day':
00235                 $format = '%Y-%m-%d';
00236                 break;
00237             default:
00238             case 'hour':
00239                 $format = '%Y-%m-%d %H';
00240                 break;
00241         }
00242         return $format;
00243     }

_getRangeByType ( type_code  )  [protected]

Definition at line 245 of file Collection.php.

00246     {
00247         switch ($type_code)
00248         {
00249             case 'day':
00250                 $range = 'DAY';
00251                 break;
00252             case 'hour':
00253                 $range = 'HOUR';
00254                 break;
00255             case 'minute':
00256             default:
00257                 $range = 'MINUTE';
00258                 break;
00260         }
00262         return $range;
00263     }

addFieldToFilter ( fieldName,
condition = null 

Filter by customer ID, as 'type' field does not exist

string $fieldName
array $condition

Reimplemented from Varien_Data_Collection_Db.

Definition at line 272 of file Collection.php.

00273     {
00274         if ($fieldName == 'type' && is_array($condition) && isset($condition['eq'])) {
00275             $fieldName = 'customer_id';
00276             if ($condition['eq'] === Mage_Log_Model_Visitor::VISITOR_TYPE_VISITOR) {
00277                 $condition = array('null' => 1);
00278             } else {
00279                 $condition = array('moreq' => 1);
00280             }
00281         }
00282         return parent::addFieldToFilter($this->_getFieldMap($fieldName), $condition);
00283     }

addVisitorStoreFilter ( storeIds  ) 

Filter visitors by specified store ids

array|int $storeIds

Definition at line 313 of file Collection.php.

00314     {
00315         $this->_select->where('visitor_table.store_id IN (?)', $storeIds);
00316     }

getAggregatedData ( period = 720,
type_code = null,
customFrom = null,
customTo = null 

: need remove agregation logic

Definition at line 185 of file Collection.php.

00186     {
00187         /**
00188          * @todo : need remove agregation logic
00189          */
00190         $timeZoneOffset = Mage::getModel('core/date')->getGmtOffset();//Mage::app()->getLocale()->date()->getGmtOffset();
00191         $this->_itemObjectClass = 'Varien_Object';
00192         $this->_setIdFieldName('summary_id');
00194 /*
00195         $this->_select->from(array('summary'=>$this->_summaryTable), array('summary_id','customer_count','visitor_count','add_date'=>"DATE_SUB(summary.add_date, INTERVAL $timeZoneOffset SECOND)"))
00196            ->join(array('type'=>$this->_summaryTypeTable), 'type.type_id=summary.type_id', array());
00198         if (is_null($customFrom) && is_null($customTo)) {
00199            $this->_select->where( "DATE_SUB(summary.add_date, INTERVAL $timeZoneOffset SECOND) >= ( DATE_SUB(?, INTERVAL $timeZoneOffset SECOND) - INTERVAL {$period} {$this->_getRangeByType($type_code)} )", now() );
00200         } else {
00201             if($customFrom) {
00202                 $this->_select->where( "DATE_SUB(summary.add_date, INTERVAL $timeZoneOffset SECOND) >= ", $this->_read->convertDate($customFrom));
00203             }
00204             if($customTo) {
00205                 $this->_select->where( "DATE_SUB(summary.add_date, INTERVAL $timeZoneOffset SECOND) <= ", $this->_read->convertDate($customTo));
00206             }
00207         }
00210         if( is_null($type_code) ) {
00211             $this->_select->where("summary.type_id IS NULL");
00212         } else {
00213             $this->_select->where("type.type_code = ? ", $type_code);
00214         }
00215 */
00217         $this->_select->from(array('summary'=>$this->_summaryTable),
00218             array('summary_id',
00219                 'customer_count'=>'SUM(customer_count)',
00220                 'visitor_count'=>'SUM(visitor_count)',
00221                 'add_date'=>"DATE_ADD(summary.add_date, INTERVAL $timeZoneOffset SECOND)"
00222         ));
00224         $this->_select->where("DATE_SUB(summary.add_date, INTERVAL $timeZoneOffset SECOND) >= ( DATE_SUB(?, INTERVAL $timeZoneOffset SECOND) - INTERVAL {$period} {$this->_getRangeByType($type_code)} )", now() );
00225         $this->_select->group('DATE_FORMAT(add_date, \''.$this->_getGroupByDateFormat($type_code).'\')');
00226         $this->_select->order('add_date ASC');
00228         return $this;
00229     }

getIsOnlineFilterUsed (  ) 

Definition at line 303 of file Collection.php.

00304     {
00305         return $this->_isOnlineFilterUsed;
00306     }

load ( printQuery = false,
logQuery = false 

Load data


Reimplemented from Varien_Data_Collection_Db.

Definition at line 294 of file Collection.php.

00295     {
00296         if ($this->isLoaded()) {
00297             return $this;
00298         }
00299         Mage::dispatchEvent('log_visitor_collection_load_before', array('collection' => $this));
00300         return parent::load($printQuery, $logQuery);
00301     }

showCustomersOnly (  ) 

Definition at line 178 of file Collection.php.

00179     {
00180         $this->_select->where('customer_table.customer_id > 0')
00181             ->group('customer_table.customer_id');
00182         return $this;
00183     }

useOnlineFilter ( minutes = null  ) 

Enables online only select

int $minutes

Definition at line 130 of file Collection.php.

00131     {
00132         if (is_null($minutes)) {
00133             $minutes = Mage_Log_Model_Visitor::getOnlineMinutesInterval();
00134         }
00135         $this->_select->from(array('visitor_table'=>$this->_visitorTable))
00136             //->joinLeft(array('url_table'=>$this->_urlTable), 'visitor_table.last_url_id=url_table.url_id')
00137             ->joinLeft(array('info_table'=>$this->_visitorInfoTable), 'info_table.visitor_id=visitor_table.visitor_id')
00138             ->joinLeft(array('customer_table'=>$this->_customerTable),
00139                 'customer_table.visitor_id = visitor_table.visitor_id AND customer_table.logout_at IS NULL',
00140                 array('log_id', 'customer_id', 'login_at', 'logout_at'))
00141             ->joinLeft(array('url_info_table'=>$this->_urlInfoTable),
00142                 'url_info_table.url_id = visitor_table.last_url_id')
00143             //->joinLeft(array('quote_table'=>$this->_quoteTable), 'quote_table.visitor_id=visitor_table.visitor_id')
00144             ->where( 'visitor_table.last_visit_at >= ( ? - INTERVAL '.$minutes.' MINUTE)', now() );
00147         $customersCollection = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getCollection();
00148         /* @var $customersCollection Mage_Customer_Model_Entity_Customer_Collection */
00149         $firstname = $customersCollection->getAttribute('firstname');
00150         $lastname  = $customersCollection->getAttribute('lastname');
00151         $email  = $customersCollection->getAttribute('email');
00153         $this->_select
00154             ->from('', array('type' => 'IF(customer_id, \''.Mage_Log_Model_Visitor::VISITOR_TYPE_CUSTOMER.'\', \''.Mage_Log_Model_Visitor::VISITOR_TYPE_VISITOR.'\')'))
00155             ->joinLeft(
00156                 array('customer_lastname_table'=>$lastname->getBackend()->getTable()),
00157                 'customer_lastname_table.entity_id=customer_table.customer_id
00158                  AND customer_lastname_table.attribute_id = '.(int) $lastname->getAttributeId() . '
00159                  ',
00160                 array('customer_lastname'=>'value')
00161              )
00162              ->joinLeft(
00163                 array('customer_firstname_table'=>$firstname->getBackend()->getTable()),
00164                 'customer_firstname_table.entity_id=customer_table.customer_id
00165                  AND customer_firstname_table.attribute_id = '.(int) $firstname->getAttributeId() . '
00166                  ',
00167                 array('customer_firstname'=>'value')
00168              )
00169              ->joinLeft(
00170                 array('customer_email_table'=>$email->getBackend()->getTable()),
00171                 'customer_email_table.entity_id=customer_table.customer_id',
00172                 array('customer_email'=>'email')
00173              );
00174         $this->_isOnlineFilterUsed = true;
00175         return $this;
00176     }

Member Data Documentation

$_customerTable [protected]

Definition at line 56 of file Collection.php.

$_fieldMap [protected]

Initial value:

        'customer_firstname' => 'customer_firstname_table.value',
        'customer_lastname'  => 'customer_lastname_table.value',
        'customer_email'     => '',
        'customer_id'        =>  'customer_table.customer_id',
        'url'                =>  'url_info_table.url'

Definition at line 95 of file Collection.php.

$_isOnlineFilterUsed = false [protected]

Definition at line 93 of file Collection.php.

$_quoteTable [protected]

Definition at line 91 of file Collection.php.

$_summaryTable [protected]

Definition at line 77 of file Collection.php.

$_summaryTypeTable [protected]

Definition at line 84 of file Collection.php.

$_urlInfoTable [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file Collection.php.

$_urlTable [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file Collection.php.

$_visitorInfoTable [protected]

Definition at line 49 of file Collection.php.

$_visitorTable [protected]

Definition at line 42 of file Collection.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Jul 4 17:24:28 2009 for Magento by  doxygen 1.5.8