Mage_Adminhtml_Sales_Order_ShipmentController Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Mage_Adminhtml_Sales_Order_ShipmentController:

Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Sales_Shipment Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 viewAction ()
 startAction ()
 newAction ()
 saveAction ()
 emailAction ()
 addTrackAction ()
 removeTrackAction ()
 viewTrackAction ()
 addCommentAction ()

Protected Member Functions

 _getItemQtys ()
 _initShipment ()
 _saveShipment ($shipment)
 _needToAddDummy ($item, $qtys)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 34 of file ShipmentController.php.

Member Function Documentation

_getItemQtys (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 36 of file ShipmentController.php.

00037     {
00038         $data = $this->getRequest()->getParam('shipment');
00039         if (isset($data['items'])) {
00040             $qtys = $data['items'];
00041         }
00042         else {
00043             $qtys = array();
00044         }
00045         return $qtys;
00046     }

_initShipment (  )  [protected]

Initialize shipment model instance


Check order existing

Check shipment is available to create separate from invoice

Check shipment create availability

Definition at line 53 of file ShipmentController.php.

00054     {
00055         $shipment = false;
00056         if ($shipmentId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('shipment_id')) {
00057             $shipment = Mage::getModel('sales/order_shipment')->load($shipmentId);
00058         }
00059         elseif ($orderId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('order_id')) {
00060             $order      = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderId);
00062             /**
00063              * Check order existing
00064              */
00065             if (!$order->getId()) {
00066                 $this->_getSession()->addError($this->__('Order not longer exist.'));
00067                 return false;
00068             }
00069             /**
00070              * Check shipment is available to create separate from invoice
00071              */
00072             if ($order->getForcedDoShipmentWithInvoice()) {
00073                 $this->_getSession()->addError($this->__('Can not do shipment for order separate from invoice.'));
00074                 return false;
00075             }
00076             /**
00077              * Check shipment create availability
00078              */
00079             if (!$order->canShip()) {
00080                 $this->_getSession()->addError($this->__('Can not do shipment for order.'));
00081                 return false;
00082             }
00084             $convertor  = Mage::getModel('sales/convert_order');
00085             $shipment    = $convertor->toShipment($order);
00086             $savedQtys = $this->_getItemQtys();
00087             foreach ($order->getAllItems() as $orderItem) {
00088                 if (!$orderItem->isDummy(true) && !$orderItem->getQtyToShip()) {
00089                     continue;
00090                 }
00091                 if ($orderItem->isDummy(true) && !$this->_needToAddDummy($orderItem, $savedQtys)) {
00092                     continue;
00093                 }
00094                 if ($orderItem->getIsVirtual()) {
00095                     continue;
00096                 }
00097                 $item = $convertor->itemToShipmentItem($orderItem);
00098                 if (isset($savedQtys[$orderItem->getId()])) {
00099                     if ($savedQtys[$orderItem->getId()] > 0) {
00100                         $qty = $savedQtys[$orderItem->getId()];
00101                     } else {
00102                         continue;
00103                     }
00104                 }
00105                 else {
00106                     if ($orderItem->isDummy(true)) {
00107                         $qty = 1;
00108                     } else {
00109                         $qty = $orderItem->getQtyToShip();
00110                     }
00111                 }
00112                 $item->setQty($qty);
00113                 $shipment->addItem($item);
00114             }
00115             if ($tracks = $this->getRequest()->getPost('tracking')) {
00116                 foreach ($tracks as $data) {
00117                     $track = Mage::getModel('sales/order_shipment_track')
00118                     ->addData($data);
00119                     $shipment->addTrack($track);
00120                 }
00121             }
00122         }
00124         Mage::register('current_shipment', $shipment);
00125         return $shipment;
00126     }

_needToAddDummy ( item,
) [protected]

Decides if we need to create dummy shipment item or not for eaxample we don't need create dummy parent if all children are not in process

Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Item $item
array $qtys

Definition at line 423 of file ShipmentController.php.

00423                                                      {
00424         if ($item->getHasChildren()) {
00425             foreach ($item->getChildrenItems() as $child) {
00426                 if ($child->getIsVirtual()) {
00427                     continue;
00428                 }
00429                 if ((isset($qtys[$child->getId()]) && $qtys[$child->getId()] > 0) || (!isset($qtys[$child->getId()]) && $child->getQtyToShip())) {
00430                     return true;
00431                 }
00432             }
00433             return false;
00434         } else if($item->getParentItem()) {
00435             if ($item->getIsVirtual()) {
00436                 return false;
00437             }
00438             if ((isset($qtys[$item->getParentItem()->getId()]) && $qtys[$item->getParentItem()->getId()] > 0)
00439                 || (!isset($qtys[$item->getParentItem()->getId()]) && $item->getParentItem()->getQtyToShip())) {
00440                 return true;
00441             }
00442             return false;
00443         }
00444     }

_saveShipment ( shipment  )  [protected]

Definition at line 128 of file ShipmentController.php.

00129     {
00130         $shipment->getOrder()->setIsInProcess(true);
00131         $transactionSave = Mage::getModel('core/resource_transaction')
00132             ->addObject($shipment)
00133             ->addObject($shipment->getOrder())
00134             ->save();
00136         return $this;
00137     }

addCommentAction (  ) 

Definition at line 378 of file ShipmentController.php.

00379     {
00380         try {
00381             $this->getRequest()->setParam(
00382                 'shipment_id',
00383                 $this->getRequest()->getParam('id')
00384             );
00385             $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost('comment');
00386             if (empty($data['comment'])) {
00387                 Mage::throwException($this->__('Comment text field can not be empty.'));
00388             }
00389             $shipment = $this->_initShipment();
00390             $shipment->addComment($data['comment'], isset($data['is_customer_notified']));
00391             $shipment->sendUpdateEmail(!empty($data['is_customer_notified']), $data['comment']);
00392             $shipment->save();
00394             $this->loadLayout();
00395             $response = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('shipment_comments')->toHtml();
00396         }
00397         catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
00398             $response = array(
00399                 'error'     => true,
00400                 'message'   => $e->getMessage()
00401             );
00402             $response = Zend_Json::encode($response);
00403         }
00404         catch (Exception $e) {
00405             $response = array(
00406                 'error'     => true,
00407                 'message'   => $this->__('Can not add new comment.')
00408             );
00409             $response = Zend_Json::encode($response);
00410         }
00411         $this->getResponse()->setBody($response);
00412     }

addTrackAction (  ) 

Add new tracking number action

Definition at line 248 of file ShipmentController.php.

00249     {
00250         try {
00251             $carrier = $this->getRequest()->getPost('carrier');
00252             $number  = $this->getRequest()->getPost('number');
00253             $title  = $this->getRequest()->getPost('title');
00254             if (empty($carrier)) {
00255                 Mage::throwException($this->__('You need specify carrier.'));
00256             }
00257             if (empty($number)) {
00258                 Mage::throwException($this->__('Tracking number can not be empty.'));
00259             }
00260             if ($shipment = $this->_initShipment()) {
00261                 $track = Mage::getModel('sales/order_shipment_track')
00262                     ->setNumber($number)
00263                     ->setCarrierCode($carrier)
00264                     ->setTitle($title);
00265                 $shipment->addTrack($track)
00266                     ->save();
00268                 $this->loadLayout();
00269                 $response = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('shipment_tracking')->toHtml();
00270             }
00271             else {
00272                 $response = array(
00273                     'error'     => true,
00274                     'message'   => $this->__('Can not initialize shipment for adding tracking number.'),
00275                 );
00276             }
00277         }
00278         catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
00279             $response = array(
00280                 'error'     => true,
00281                 'message'   => $e->getMessage(),
00282             );
00283         }
00284         catch (Exception $e) {
00285             $response = array(
00286                 'error'     => true,
00287                 'message'   => $this->__('Can not add tracking number.'),
00288             );
00289         }
00290         if (is_array($response)) {
00291             $response = Zend_Json::encode($response);
00292         }
00293         $this->getResponse()->setBody($response);
00294     }

emailAction (  ) 

Definition at line 224 of file ShipmentController.php.

00225     {
00226         try {
00227             if ($shipment = $this->_initShipment()) {
00228                 $shipment->sendEmail(true)
00229                     ->setEmailSent(true)
00230                     ->save();
00231                 $this->_getSession()->addSuccess($this->__('Shipment was successfully sent.'));
00232             }
00233         }
00234         catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
00235             $this->_getSession()->addError($e->getMessage());
00236         }
00237         catch (Exception $e) {
00238             $this->_getSession()->addError($this->__('Can not send shipment information.'));
00239         }
00240         $this->_redirect('*/*/view', array(
00241             'shipment_id' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('shipment_id')
00242         ));
00243     }

newAction (  ) 

Shipment create page

Definition at line 170 of file ShipmentController.php.

00171     {
00172         if ($shipment = $this->_initShipment()) {
00173             $this->loadLayout()
00174                 ->_setActiveMenu('sales/order')
00175                 ->renderLayout();
00176         }
00177         else {
00178             $this->_redirect('*/sales_order/view', array('order_id'=>$this->getRequest()->getParam('order_id')));
00179         }
00180     }

removeTrackAction (  ) 

Definition at line 296 of file ShipmentController.php.

00297     {
00298         $trackId    = $this->getRequest()->getParam('track_id');
00299         $shipmentId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('shipment_id');
00300         $track = Mage::getModel('sales/order_shipment_track')->load($trackId);
00301         if ($track->getId()) {
00302             try {
00303                 if ($shipmentId = $this->_initShipment()) {
00304                     $track->delete();
00306                     $this->loadLayout();
00307                     $response = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('shipment_tracking')->toHtml();
00308                 }
00309                 else {
00310                     $response = array(
00311                         'error'     => true,
00312                         'message'   => $this->__('Can not initialize shipment for delete tracking number.'),
00313                     );
00314                 }
00315             }
00316             catch (Exception $e) {
00317                 $response = array(
00318                     'error'     => true,
00319                     'message'   => $this->__('Can not delete tracking number.'),
00320                 );
00321             }
00322         }
00323         else {
00324             $response = array(
00325                 'error'     => true,
00326                 'message'   => $this->__('Can not load track with retrieving identifier.'),
00327             );
00328         }
00329         if (is_array($response)) {
00330             $response = Zend_Json::encode($response);
00331         }
00332         $this->getResponse()->setBody($response);
00333     }

saveAction (  ) 

Save shipment We can save only new shipment. Existing shipments are not editable

Definition at line 186 of file ShipmentController.php.

00187     {
00188         $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost('shipment');
00190         try {
00191             if ($shipment = $this->_initShipment()) {
00192                 $shipment->register();
00194                 $comment = '';
00195                 if (!empty($data['comment_text'])) {
00196                     $shipment->addComment($data['comment_text'], isset($data['comment_customer_notify']));
00197                     $comment = $data['comment_text'];
00198                 }
00200                 if (!empty($data['send_email'])) {
00201                     $shipment->setEmailSent(true);
00202                 }
00204                 $this->_saveShipment($shipment);
00205                 $shipment->sendEmail(!empty($data['send_email']), $comment);
00206                 $this->_getSession()->addSuccess($this->__('Shipment was successfully created.'));
00207                 $this->_redirect('*/sales_order/view', array('order_id' => $shipment->getOrderId()));
00208                 return;
00209             }
00210             else {
00211                 $this->_forward('noRoute');
00212                 return;
00213             }
00214         }
00215         catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
00216             $this->_getSession()->addError($e->getMessage());
00217         }
00218         catch (Exception $e) {
00219             $this->_getSession()->addError($this->__('Can not save shipment.'));
00220         }
00221         $this->_redirect('*/*/new', array('order_id' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('order_id')));
00222     }

startAction (  ) 

Start create shipment action

Clear old values for shipment qty's

Definition at line 159 of file ShipmentController.php.

00160     {
00161         /**
00162          * Clear old values for shipment qty's
00163          */
00164         $this->_redirect('*/*/new', array('order_id'=>$this->getRequest()->getParam('order_id')));
00165     }

viewAction (  ) 

shipment information page

Reimplemented from Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Sales_Shipment.

Definition at line 142 of file ShipmentController.php.

00143     {
00144         if ($shipment = $this->_initShipment()) {
00145             $this->loadLayout();
00146             $this->getLayout()->getBlock('sales_shipment_view')
00147                 ->updateBackButtonUrl($this->getRequest()->getParam('come_from'));
00148             $this->_setActiveMenu('sales/order')
00149                 ->renderLayout();
00150         }
00151         else {
00152             $this->_forward('noRoute');
00153         }
00154     }

viewTrackAction (  ) 

Definition at line 335 of file ShipmentController.php.

00336     {
00337         $trackId    = $this->getRequest()->getParam('track_id');
00338         $shipmentId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('shipment_id');
00339         $track = Mage::getModel('sales/order_shipment_track')->load($trackId);
00340         if ($track->getId()) {
00341             try {
00342                 $response = $track->getNumberDetail();
00343             }
00344             catch (Exception $e) {
00345                 $response = array(
00346                     'error'     => true,
00347                     'message'   => $this->__('Can not retrieve tracking number detail.'),
00348                 );
00349             }
00350         }
00351         else {
00352             $response = array(
00353                 'error'     => true,
00354                 'message'   => $this->__('Can not load track with retrieving identifier.'),
00355             );
00356         }
00358         if ( is_object($response)){
00359             $className = Mage::getConfig()->getBlockClassName('adminhtml/template');
00360             $block = new $className();
00361             $block->setType('adminhtml/template')
00362                 ->setIsAnonymous(true)
00363                 ->setTemplate('sales/order/shipment/tracking/info.phtml');
00365             $block->setTrackingInfo($response);
00367             $this->getResponse()->setBody($block->toHtml());
00368         }
00369         else {
00370             if (is_array($response)) {
00371                 $response = Zend_Json::encode($response);
00372             }
00374             $this->getResponse()->setBody($response);
00375         }
00376     }

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Generated on Sat Jul 4 17:23:29 2009 for Magento by  doxygen 1.5.8