Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Backend_Catalog_Inventory_Managestock Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Backend_Catalog_Inventory_Managestock:

Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data Mage_Core_Model_Abstract Varien_Object

List of all members.

Protected Member Functions

 _afterSave ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file Managestock.php.

Member Function Documentation

_afterSave (  )  [protected]

After change Catalog Inventory Manage value process


Reimplemented from Mage_Core_Model_Abstract.

Definition at line 43 of file Managestock.php.

00044     {
00045         $newValue = $this->getValue();
00046         $oldValue = Mage::getConfig()->getNode(
00047             Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::XML_PATH_CATALOG_SEARCH_TYPE,
00048             $this->getScope(),
00049             $this->getScopeId()
00050         );
00051         if ($newValue != $oldValue) {
00052             Mage::getSingleton('cataloginventory/stock_status')->rebuild();
00053         }
00055         return $this;
00056     }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Jul 4 17:23:13 2009 for Magento by  doxygen 1.5.8